Polishing, Polishing, Polishing, and Adding Content

Yes, that’s 3 parts polish, and one part content for the last few weeks.

I’ve just been going in, playing, identifying problems, and addressing them right there on the spot, or at least noting them down for later. Regressions are getting de-regressed. UI Flows that felt like a bent-axled wagon on a mud road now feel more like town cars on 65MPH highways. Vermin have proper death animations and tools exist for dealing with them all. Too many bugs have been corrected to even begin to list here.

On the content side, several new magazines have been added, each one allowing access to a different store catalog. Yes, some junk is actually useful! I brought in a nice piano, which can be used to access a semi-hidden audio track. A couple of Stanley Parable-style endings have been added, including a Wererat ending.

Also, I’ve been working on the trailer, which I just released today:

I hope to make at least one more trailer once the polishing is done and more content is in place.

As for when it is all going to come together into something releasable, I’m shying away from making a guess at this point because I’ve already underestimated this project every step of the way, which is very unlike me. I think that it’s indicative that I’m challenging myself to the very edge of my abilities. I’m just thankful that I’m in a position where I can take my time and deliver the best game possible.