Summer of Coding

It has been way too long since I have given an update, especially on the heels of the Steam Greenlight approval, and for that I deeply apologize. My goal is to be giving these updates at least once a month, though last month’s update was completely missed. This lapse in posting is not due to inactivity. When my workload gets super-heavy like this, I tend to withdraw into my work to the exclusion of all else.

The bulk of my progress has been made on MMMob, my collaborative effort under the Ivory Skies studio name. We’re desperately trying to get something playable by GDEX in October. It’s coming along pretty well, and we should be willing to share some screenshots soon, after our artists finish taking a first pass at some models, sprites, and UI.

Some work has been done on Dehoarder 2, but not as much as I’d like. As soon as the pressure lifts from the Ivory Skies expo crunch (I hate that term and what it represents), I’ll be able to devote more time to it. To be honest, once the voting slowed down after the first couple of days of the Greenlight campaign, I thought it was going to take many more months before Dehoarder 2 was Greenlit, if it was ever Greenlit at all, which is how the commitment to the MMMob expo scope happened.

I try my best to not get into situations like this, but here it is, and I think it is the Egregore of Game Development testing me. All I need to do to pass is continue stepping up, while somehow retaining my sanity.